

past to present


From the computer room to the control room, the expertise of the SENRGY team will cover your needs. Our experts will work hand in hand with you, our clients, to improve your current and future systems.


The SENRGY team of experts is unique. To start with, they are dedicated and passionate about the Electric Energy business and most have spent their entire life serving it.  But what makes them so unique is the very special experience they acquired growing with this industry over the last three decades.


Not only does our team know today's application and computer systems used for the daily operations of the electric grid, but they have grown with them, and in many cases, have help define them. 


Their experience go back to the first automation systems and spans the spectrum of Software and Hardware products that have emerged over the last three decades.


This very special experience provide them with uncanny understanding of every single piece of equipment used in today’s highly sophisticated computer systems required to operate the North American Electric Grid, reliably and efficiently.



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